My closest friend would describe me as:
Knows how to bring in the sunshine, incapable of having just one donut, a fierce defender of her passions (including showtunes), appreciates a good meme, lives in a marshmallow bathrobe, belongs in water (like a certain shark who bears her name), and a professional enthusiast. 

My coaching style is:
Flexible. I’m the river guide: I know the general path of our journey together, can call out the twists and turns that might feel especially bumpy, but it’s your ride. How can a session feel like pinching your nose and doing a cannonball into the deep end?

One belief that I have that influences my approach to coaching is:
That you’ll leave with just what you needed. We show up to conversations about rapid prototyping, but our brain is about how we want to influence a colleague, and then we find ourselves exploring how we can use insights to build evidence for our case. My goal in every coaching session is to have you walk with feeling like you showed up, regardless of how you arrived.

One way I’ve challenged a norm or taken a leap in my life is:
I have always prided myself on being fiercely independent and then I fell in love. With my partner, with our shared life, and with our son. The combination of joy and fear I feel when relying on others is a continuous leap for me, takes work, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. 

My story:
I am curious, and like my passions, ever-evolving. A competitive swimmer for most of my life, I started my career in emergency medicine as an EMT for Ocean Rescue. In a series of endless summers, I eventually found a problem I was more interested in exploring: how individuals, families and communities connected to services they need. I found my way back to traditional academia to pursue a career in ethnographic research and behavioral economics, and set out on a humbling and rewarding adventure that never ends. 

I have had the privilege to research and design with disaster survivors, patients, caregivers, healthcare providers, banks, credit unions, regulators, non-profits, utility companies, academics, restaurateurs, formerly incarcerated folks, academics, and technology experts. I have led cross-matrixed stakeholders from peers in start-ups working toward their series A to C-suite in the Fortune 100 to deliver transformational experiences. 

Trained in creative break-through and grounded in experiences building cross-functional teams, I founded Business Meets Casual in 2018, a platform focused on skills-building in the workplace, and amplifying the human-centered solutions that create healthier and more sustainable work environments. 

I live in DC, in a community I adore, with my third attempt at a kitchen garden, my husband Mike, and a new housemate: our newborn son, John.

Digging Deeper:
Here are a few photos that tell you more about me. What do you notice?