My closest friend would describe me as:
An over-achieving boss lady with a big heart. They’d also say I’m philosophical, more fun after one, endearingly jealous, tired by 8pm, queso-obsessed, and incapable of lying. 

My coaching style is:
Deep, decisive, and direct. But you won’t necessarily see it coming! 

One of my past clients once said, “Somehow you crawled into my soul and now you just live there… calling me out on my sh*t!”

One belief that I have that influences my approach to coaching is:
There are three major inhibitors to living a bold life: fear, inaction, and the unwillingness to ask for help.

One way I’ve challenged a norm or taken a leap in my life is:
Two of the bigger leaps I’ve taken in my life recently are moving to Arkansas for love and leaving Corporate America for Stoked. 

My story:
I grew up in a small town in Northeast Ohio. My family had its fair share of challenges from job loss to addiction, but we had a lot of love. My Dad has always been my biggest advocate. He taught me the power of generosity, how to love unconditionally, and what it takes to be a loyal friend and family member. I was intensely shy as a child. Since 3rd grade (and to this day), I’ve been creeping out of that shell in search of meaning. I learned at a young age to stop hating myself for what I’m not good at (which is a lot), and instead design a life that amplifies my strengths.

I went to Ohio University to study business and global leadership, which was the beginning of my passion for international travel and global studies. I went from leaving Ohio once or twice in my life at age 18, to doing anything I could to get a scholarship or save money to travel. I studied in Thailand and Spain, while also doing cultural deep dives alongside students and leaders from Brazil, Japan, Poland, and even a Hare Krishna community in West Virginia. After that, I went to graduate school for Industrial/Organizational Psychology where I brought my curiosity to Cuba.  

I’ve spent the last 10+ years working in OD and since 2012, I’ve been practicing human-centered design. I live to create something from nothing. I love designing solutions and creating experiences that expand possibilities, widen perspectives, and improve lives. I currently live in Arkansas where my partner and I are building a new home on our 50 acre farm while dreaming up business plans for a U-Pick blueberry & strawberry farm. Because why not!

Digging Deeper:
Here are a few photos that tell you more about me. What do you notice?